What To Know
Sports injuries come in two main forms:
- The sudden acute trauma of muscle tears, ligamentous tears and broken bones
- The gradual onset of overuse/incorrect training and playing.
Every sporting injury is assessed for primary injury and contributing factors, possible secondary and even tertiary injuries and contributing factors. Many secondary issues arise following traumatic sports injuries as muscle imbalances set in and the athlete becomes deconditioned. Overuse and incorrect injuries are often due to these imbalances and poor muscle firing patterns in the first place. Each sport demands its own muscle strengthening and patterning.
All these issues are considered when we assess and treat sporting injuries with our sports physio.
The Physios at Dunbar have all been active sports participants and continue to be so. They appreciate the sporting athlete’s mindset and needs; they have been there before and know what is demanded of Sports Injury Rehab to return to the playing arena in as good if not better condition than when they were injured.
We work with the athlete’s team – coaches, other health care professionals, family – to make sure everyone understands where the athlete is on their road back to full function and what needs to be done to continue to get them there.
Sports Taping:
If required, the Dunbar Physios can provide Sports Taping to protect already injured structures for participating in activity and to guard against new injury. Please discuss this with your Physio if you wish for this service. Special taping-only appointments can be made prior to training or games/events.
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